The stripes in toothpaste are created by a special device fitted to the nozzle end of the tube. A colored toothpaste is first filled around the special fitting, the white toothpaste is filled second, which holds the colored toothpaste in place at the top of the tube.


When the tube is squeezed, the white toothpaste would run through the special inner tube and the pressure of the squeeze simultaneously forces the colored toothpaste through the tiny orifices at the end. The toothpaste emerges perfectly striped.

The first toothpaste mentioned in recorded history was devised by Egyptian physicians about 4000 years ago. It was made from powdered pumice stone and strong wine vinegar and brushed on with a chew stick.

I love the feeling of freshly bushed teeth, but I’ll be damned if I can stand to have the stuff on my skin. Can’t stand the smell, can’t stand the feel…but give me good ol’ freshly scrubbed teeth anyday!

I got to do one of the funnest gig’s I’ve gotten to do in a while. We got booked to draw at the Outback Stakehouse convention for 2 nights. It was awesome!!! There were a bazillion people (no, really) from all over the world.

I got to meet 2 of the three founders AND the guy who designed the recipe for the Bloomin’ Onion.


I’m peekin’ out behind Michael McElroy who’s leaning back. One of the most talented artists you’ll ever meet. Kenny Durkin is center. He’s supposed to be workin’ on his comic book for Chicago…so if you go to his web page or myspace…ask him how it’s goin’. Tell ’em Jenni sent cha.

The last night the party was held at Flights of Fantasy in Lakeland, FL.

An absolutely incredible place. The design of the place was amazing. Very themed. The collection of aircraft is breathtaking.

If you get the chance you HAVE to go and walk amongst the ghosts and relics of days long past.

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I wish I knew about aviation history. I find it fascinating. My biggest thrill was getting to see a Flying Fortress up close.

There’s huge, there’s BIG and then there’s a Flying Fortress.

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Yeah, so I was all a twitter and my camera shook.

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Here’s that Michael guy again.

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A storm is a brewin’.

I have to say how incredible this catering staff was. This huge thunderstorm was coming in fast. I’d say within 15 minutes they had all the tables that WERE outside BACK inside and fully dressed to receive guests. They were truly amazing.

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Just before the guests started to arrive, the storm started and it didn’t let up for a mighty long time. It was pretty violent.

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Another cool craft.

The stands were supposed to hold the audience to see the Dave Matthews Concert.

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Very few things make me squeal with utter girlish delight…but that nights entertainment sure did. The Dave Matthews Band was the entertainment and MAN! Did they sound awesome!

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It doesn’t hurt that Dave Matthews is one tasty lookin’ fella.

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I’ve taken up gardening. Me. Yep. Go figure. There was a reason Barry use to call me Plant Killer/ Herb Slayer.

I had NO green thumb.


I sucked.

Maybe it’s the fact that I now have kids and am more…nurturing. Bwahahahaha!

I think it’s just ‘cuz I’m watering the damn things more.

It’s very rewarding to watch your plants grow. I’m growing quite a few herbs again (and doing VERY nicely I might add). As well as tomatoes, cucumbers, Sunflowers, and 2 lemon and 1 lime tree. The trees are very small, but I’ve got fruit on ’em!! Woohooo!

My main thrill is peppers. I’ve been growing a lot of variety of peppers. We got to eat some of the peppers last night that I grew AND cooked. And I didn’t burn the kitchen down this time!

I still need to get better at weeding. The weeds are a tad strong in these parts.