On This Day:
Tuesday February 12, 2008

This is the 43rd day of the year, with 323 days remaining in 2008.

Fact of the Day: fish in winter

Fish don’t go into a state of true hibernation in the winter, yet their metabolisms do slow down. Advice for fish in backyard ponds is to stop feeding entirely in November-December and to not resume again till at least March (or until the water temperature has reached 50 degrees F), and then to start with very low-protein, easily digestible foods until May or so.


Fish become much less active in the winter, don’t grow, and hardly need to eat. The only need that remains the same is that for oxygen, and when fish do die in the winter, it’s often because their supply of oxygen is used up before the ice over their habitat melts.

This weeks Toonweekly theme was: Star Wars Cantina creature
I LIKE Star Wars, dare I say I LOVED the first 3 movies (ok, I’m old school, sure) the other ones…not so much. Of course I remembered the Cantina scene…who couldn’t?!? Han Solo shot first.

Go visit my new pals at the toonweekly site. Hell, start participating!!

We were to design our own new characters that were to be in the cantina scene. Pretty fun. So I did a couple of cool looking alien creatures that are beaugarting another chick alien creatures drink, while a jedi tries to hit on her.

I wish I could lay claim to the color job on this piece. Lucky for me, Barry took pity on me and after my feeble attempt at trying cool lighting…he graciously colored my piece. I’m very lucky to have access to one of the most talented people I’ve ever met.

Here’s a little bit of trivia about Barry. Back when we were in university at BYU Barry wrote an incredible play called ‘Blessing’.

Well, said play won LOTS of awards–oodles and tons. Barry and his talented cast and the director got sent to Arizona for a competition. This was the Rocky Mountain Theater Festival. He won and guess who he beat out–Yep. Trey Parker and Matt Stone. There ya have it.

Now, some folks take Star Wars a little too seriously. They know what color light sabers Jedi Masters have, what color acolytes have, which one is evil…
Relax, Bro. Relax.
3 people have now pointed out to me that Old Ben was the only Jedi in exestence at the time of the first Star Wars.
Folks, I don’t care. It ain’t real. Move on…
So anyway, here’s mine.
Suck it up, and move on.

Jericho returns TONIGHT!!!
Currently HBO’s The Wire is my favorite show. But I am all a twitter that Jericho returns tonight on CBS at 10 Eastern. Watch it. I WILL come to your houses, and Iwill sit your ass down and make you watch this series. Or we can be more civil about it and YOU can go to the CBS website and get caught up on the series.


I have great hopes for it’s return and the numbers is should pull in. Well written, well acted (Oh! Gerald Mcraney–next time step to the left!!)

Skeet Ulrich…You tastey li’l fella.

Just do yourself a favor and give the show a try. Watch the first season. You’ll be glad you did.

What is MY favorite all time TV show? Mystery Science Theater 3000. Cool thing here. It’s no longer being produced (damn you Comedy Central and SciFi Channels!!) but Mike Nelson does something similar with his RiffTrax web site.


Spend an hour or two just entertaining yourself with the teasers. You’ll get some joy.

Happy thoughts!