So this week was [yet another] one of those bittersweet kinda times. First in “Who Cheesed Me Off this Week” goes to:
So I called my lovely Sprint service rep (hereafter known as “The Beast“) to cancel one of the lines on my cell phone plan. We had 3 (two lines are mine and Barry’s and a third cell phone for when our neice Tember was here).
I thought being a Sprint customers for 5+ years the darlings would let me cancel the line with no problems.
Well the first BEAST tells me that there is a $150 fee to cancel the one line. I ask to talk to another person above her, which she says she’ll transfer me, but it won’t help.
She had this wretched smirk in her voice. So she transfers me to a perky little fellow Beast who listens to my plight, then my plea to stop the fee, then says “No”. He gives me this pitiful little story that even if he could, he just can’t–that it’s a contractual thing and it has to be paid. So I argue that sure, he COULD waive the fee, he just won’t…because he’s just plain evil. (ok, I didn’t really say that evil part, but I’m sure it was there in my voice). Even my “but we’ve been with The Beast for 5+ years, I’m not cancelling everything just this one line, awww c’mon!” thing didn’t work. The Beast resisted. So I got hit with a $150 fee to pay.
Oh, oh, oh! And the BEST part, was at the end of the conversation the Rep had the NERVE to give me this schpeil about my converstion withThe BEAST and asked if everything had been resloved to my satisfaction. Ummmm… HELL NO! Yep. Cheesed me off.The BIG cheese off of the week:
Time and Birthdays.
I also had one of those crappy little happenings that every woman hates…the dreaded Birthday. This one was particularly difficult for me and I don’t have a reason why…other then you feel old and Birthday’s all suck after the age of 30 ; o )
Maybe now with kids I feel the age and adulthood thing for the first time and it’s a mighty strange feeling.
Barry got me 2 dozen beautiful roses. They smell sooooooo wonderful. I also got the latest Lemmony Snicket novel.
This Thursday we’ll go out to my favorite resturant (Boma’s at Animal Kingdom Lodge) to celebrate. Yes, I’m havin’ me some Zebra Domes! Ahhh come to me sweet, sweet, sugary, messy goodness. Atkins begins in earnest on Friday.
Rene and I spent my Birthday evening at Epcot. We met atop the bridge in the UK then walked over to China. Chloe started to get fussy and wanted out of her stroller to walk.
Well, walk is a very poor choice of words. The girl ran from the UK to the China area…which is quite a distance for a little girl. But she was full tilt, face to the wind! We all went to a wonderful Chinese resturaunt. Yummy, yummy!
We finished up there just in time to see the fireworks…which Chloe hates, but we played it off like it was all good and fun to try and avert the crying fit (which happened anyway). Rene and I would start to clap with each explosion. So here was Chloe clapping and cheering each time a loud BOOM! went off with tears rolling down her cheek and saying “yeah!” because she was scared. I just wanted to scoop her up and hug her and kiss her.
Fox pretty much slept thru the whole evening. He woke up briefly at the resturant, then drifted off to sleep. He did wake up during the fireworks and was avidly watching them. I thought the loud noise would bother but he took it like a champ!
This week I watched the old black and white version of “Pride and Predjudice” with Greer Garson, and Lawence Olivier. Wow. The costumes where spectacular. So, of course it got me drifting off into story fodder land. Now I gotta do a cool looking period piece.
Whew! Talk about prissy, uppity women!
I also did a quick watercolor sketch for a DreamWalker cover idea.
Other comic news…I’m going to start working on watercoloring “Roc’s Keep”. Yeah!! I’m really thrilled about that. I’m going to do some sketches for costumes color and such later this week.