Here’s this weeks post for See, I’m really liking these guys. They choose cool things to draw. Well, except for the fact that I hate clowns…yes I do have a weakness and clowns really do make me hinkey.

I love to get going on watercolor. So I did the last couple weeks’ submission in watercolor.

I scanned in the original…


and then sucked all the color out, lol! Barry laughed at me. I’m just in a place where I don’t want a lot of color. I like it coooooooold.


Here’s the two versions. Not THAT big of a difference, but I like the desaturated one better. I pimped the kids in there. Well, just Chloe and Fox. Molly didn’t make an appearance in this one.

Work on Womblees progresses EXTREMELY nicely. I’m thrilled, pleased, tickeled and excited. Here’s another page that’s all colored up.


I’m totally doing flats first and then the color mojo begins. 6 pages are colored, I’m up to 26 on flatting. It really is a better way to work.