We got Molly’s results from her pediatrician today. For Barry and I it was one LONG, stress filled weekend. I loved having a 2 days where I could do research on this crappy PKU thing. We’ve got a 1 in 10,000-20,000 shot depending on which site you visit. But Doctor Kahn gave us both good news and eh, could have been better news.
Molly’s PKU test numbers came back high. Her case can’t be a “confirmed case”of PKU yet. We have to go back to the Lakeland clinic Friday morning and take another blood test and see what those results show. Right now Dr. Kahn is saying she might have a minor case of PKU. But I don’t have to stop nursing her (YES!!!) and we don’t have to change anything…at least this week.
If her tests are higher, then we go to an endocrinologist. If they stay the same or go lower, we’ll see what our next step there will be.
But for right now we are concentrating on the fact that we had GOOD news this week.
We take both Molly and Chloe to see the doctor tomorrow. Molly because its her 2 week visit and she’ll get her first round of shots (damn) and Chloe for her 3 year visit. I don’t think Chloe will get any shots–I think the next round is when she turns 4.