
At the start of each New Year, I like to make… changes. I hate the term New Year’s resolution. Some of my “changes” I’m making are:1. Take better care of myself. Which means more excersise and watching my blood sugar. Ever since I had...

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas!

So, I totally ran out of time to send out Christmas cards. See? This is what happens to procrastinators like me. I came up with a couple cute ideas for our cards, and Viola! time totally snuck up on me. Never got the goshdarn things out.Looks like we’ve got our...

A pox, a curse, and a plague upon your house

So over the last couple of weeks at we’ve been plagued by tons, upon tons of spam.We contacted our server ( — here after known as evil buttheads) to get help– all to no avail. Emails went unanswered, phone calls were never...

A funny joke

I thought this one was funny:After numerous rounds of “We don’t know if Osama is still alive”, Osamahimself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own handwriting to lethim know he was still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it appearedto...

The family

Yeah! I finally finished my new family piece. I thought I pretty much had everyone included. We’ve got Fox added, as well as all the pets–or so I thought. Hellboy (the conure) sits on Chloe’s shoulder, Indy and Stonecold (budgies) perch on my head,...

This week’s who and what cheesed me off.

So this week was [yet another] one of those bittersweet kinda times. First in “Who Cheesed Me Off this Week” goes to:SPRINTPCS.So I called my lovely Sprint service rep (hereafter known as “The Beast”) to cancel one of the lines on my cell phone...

Time killers.

So my big thing right now are stupid, time wasting sites. Some fun ones to watch for but you will spend far too much time at are:

Tonight was one of those perfect nights. I took the kids to the park after Barry left for work and we played for quite a while.There were some other kids already there. Usually I hate when other kids are around…I find most of ’em…well, frankly, quite...

Before I was a Mom

My pal Esly (a way talented sweetie!) sent me this wonderful poem. It expresses just about everything I feel about being a mom. Visit Esly’s web page at Before I was a Mom I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed.I...

Since having children I think I’ve become more observant about parent interaction. Sometimes you just see parents and kids together and you can just tell how much they love each other.The Stitch ears cracked me up. Another cool gothy girl at Christmas time....