On This Day:

Wednesday November 19, 2008

This is the 324th day of the year, with 42 days remaining in 2008.

Fact of the Day: renaissance


“The Renaissance is the name of an important artistic and scientific period that began about 1400 and went on for 200 years in Italy and, eventually, all of Europe. Renaissance means rebirth and this period was a time when scholars revived interest in learning and the arts of ancient Greece and Rome.

People began to think of new ideas and develop art techniques, the sciences, architecture, and inventions. They looked for new lands and trade routes — and their ideas and thirst for learning spread, especially through the new technology of printing. Important artists of the Renaissance were Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Cellini, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Important scientists were Copernicus and Galileo and philosophers were Machiavelli and Erasmus. Important writers were Montaigne, Shakespeare, and Cervantes. Columbus made his famous discoveries during this time.


The most important philosophy developed was called humanism — a new way of thinking that challenged the authority of the church and allowed scientists, artists, and scholars to produce their own ideas. The people of the Renaissance looked for new explanations, new ways of doing things, new interpretations of writings, new ways of building their homes and public buildings.”

(Or you can’t handle the Tooth!)

The end of September beginning of October had me spending most of the time running back and forth between my dentist (truly she is a demon) and her pal, an oral surgeon (truly he is hell-spawn–but I do THINK he tried to help).


See, I had this really bum tooth and it needed a root canal–or so she said. She has diploma’s on the wall and a “Dr.” before her name so I would think that she could handle pretty much anything related to teeth.

She sends me to another dentist for this root canal.

See, I cracked my tooth because I have a nasty habit of trying to open paint tubes with my back teeth–DON’T DO IT! E.V.E.R!!! Opening tubes up like this made me have multiple cracks in my molar. How it hadn’t cracked open she wasn’t sure.

So it ended up that I had to keep running back and forth to this other doctors office which was about 30 miles from where I live, 5 times–twice I needed to have additional root canals done–I hadn’t seen a dentist in 10+ years due to this overwhelming fear I have of them. It wasn’t fun. I guess they never really got the nerve dead because I kept feeling discomfort–ok, mild pain.

The surgeon asked if I wanted additional medication–I being stupid, didn’t understand what he was offering. I couldda had some good stuff!

Next time I know–always answer Yes, Please!!! to this question.

I did tell him I wasn’t a hero and I would rather not feel anything. Drilling and grinding out the root is the worst. Gah! The stuff nightmares are made of.

Anyway, I think I have my tooth fixed now. It feels weird to have a fake tooth in my mouth. But better then the gaping hole, and throbbing, mindless pain.
I kept wondering how people did dental work without all the niceties we have today–even WITH those nice little shots that are supposed to make it so you don’t feel anything, I still felt lots and lots of stuff.


My Molly Monster turned 2!



She is totally into Hello Kitty (she’s NUTS about Kitty!!) so we had a lot of fun with her party.



Do you know what your last words are gonna be?

I know.

They are gonna be:


See, I got to say that quite a bit last month. I had a family reunion in WY. It was a wonderful trip. Best time I’ve had in a long time. The part that kinda sucked big time–was that Barry and the kiddies stayed in Florida due to work, school, commitments, etc. So I went it solo–which was weird! And left me feeling majorly guilty. Do you know how hard it is to have fun when you are feeling guilty?? I did an ok job of it…but it really was hard : O )
Anyway, the whole family (I am the most favored among 6 brothers and sisters) met at my brothers huge home in Wyoming. It was totally the awesomest of awesome times.
I got to be with one of my brothers that I hadn’t seen since my dad died in ’92. I really enjoyed being with my family. They are pretty darn cool. We have distance, major philosophical differences and years that separate us–be we all fit together.


This is a t-shirt I had made up for everyone. I didn’t put in 2 of my brothers-in-laws an one of my sisters couldn’t make it to the reunion, so I have to work on another version real soon. I think I’m going to make my brothers-in-law and Barry Injuns! That would be a hoot!


Here are two of my sisters-in-law wearing my creation. It was fun. We had a hole family shot with everyone in them.


This is the front of my brothers house. Well, I guess technically the front is really the back as the back faces the highway down the mountain. Hmmm. Whatever.


This is my brother Jeff and his wife, Candy. They were the hosts for this family reunion. Every in my family attended except for my middle sister and her hubby. And Barry. : O (


This is the view from their back porch. I wanted to never leave this spot.



This is the back of their house:



My brothers house was just amazing–have you ever sat on a tiled floor and had your butt kept nice and toasty warm because the floors have wire coils that heat them?


I took showers in a shower stall that dwarfed my master bedroom. I soooo wanted to slip into the jacuzzi bath, but I never had the chance.


My king-size+ bed. Ahhhhh it was schweet. It was an adjustable bed so I could change how hard or soft it was.




The kitchen was gourmet all the way. Barry would have gone nuts in there. My sister-in-law Marsha made us Jambalaya–she and my brother live in New Orleans area.


They KNOW Cajun cookin’. Her was to die for!


The wolves gather smelling the food.

That’s my sister in law Candy, my brother Chuck, my sis Jo and my bro Ken. I love the stance. Everyone is doing the same thing. I laughed when I saw this picture!



SHots of the porch

My family warned me multiple times that it was going to be really cold in WY while we were going to be there. Stupid me in all my Floridian bravado scoffed at their warnings. I can handle a little cold. I’m tough–what a bunch of wusses I kept thinking as I packed my luggage smugly. Wrong!!!

If Jeff and Candy hadn’t been so use to entertaining and having multiple coats and active wear for each of those guests, I’d be toast. My idea of dressing warm was a pair of cropped jeans–they hit right about mid-calf, I did bring a couple of sweaters–like that helped a lot.

I would be frozen solid on some mountain side but for them generously raiding their closets for my wussy ass. While there I got to go four wheeling!


Jeff helps us all gear up. Proper outfitting is definitely required!!


I have NEVER had as much fun or felt as free as I felt doing that.


Even wore camo!

Orange camo mind you! I NEVER wear camo.

It was ultra cool because this outfit I had there are only 6 of them in the world. I don’t remember the whole story if my brothers company made them for a company in France, or if this other company made them and they gave Jeff an extra–I don’t remember–but it was really fun to feel so exclusive!


That and I DID indeed rock florescent camo. Yeah, baby!

SIDE NOTE: I’m usually blond. I’ve been going thru a phase of late. My hair has been brown, red (which Barry REALLY liked), black ( again, which Barry REALLY liked) and I finally did this color before I left for the reunion so as to not scare the family too bad.

This jacket had pockets EVERYWHERE and I mean everywhere! I

t even had pockets with these little holders to put bullets in! It was weird. For all I know I still have things I left in that coat and no one will ever find it because of all the damn pockets. Man, I loved that coat!!


Four Wheeling was the awesomest. Jeff has about 5 four wheelers and this modified four wheeler that they called a Ranger–it seated 5 people.



Jeff shows Jo how the gears work. It would have been lost on me.

That looked fun, but I wanted to DRIVE!

Mind you, I don’t know anything about shifting gears or anything, so luckily they had this wussy girlie four wheeler that you basically sit on, turn the key and point it to where you want to go. Thank heavens!


My brothers and sister rode these racing four wheeler–a couple where called Predators and they looked it–alien, sleek, aerodynamic–totally would have broken my ass if I’d even TRIED to mount one.


So yep, I was perfectly happy on my sissy yet easy to ride four wheeler.

My sister of course road one of the full-on shift gears Road Warrior bikes.


She was awesome. She cheesed my off when we stopped at one overlook and she takes off her helmet and shakes out her blond tresses looking like a super model and here’s me taking off my helmet and resembling a porcupine–hair all sticking up and over the place. Make up all over the place…but it was the funnest time!




Jeff pointed out this one rounded off mountain top that in the winter they race up full throttle on their snow mobiles! How in the hell they did that I have no idea.

I tried to imagine the speeds and the power of the snow mobile you’d have to have and got mighty nervous.

The top of the hill didn’t look that big so I have no idea how you’d stop without falling over the other side–or maybe that’s what you do–you race up and over never to be heard from again.

Yep, I saw death all over that hill.

But damn, I wish I could have ridden up that thing just once. It looked so fun!!!



Got to see a bald eagle! That was awesome!

We drove in these back roads. Mountains surrounding us.

It was wonderfully cold, the color of fall trees all around us…


It was the start of hunting season up there, so I was mighty glad I had my florescent camo cause I know I’d have gotten my ass shot at.

We came across a number of hunters as we road. We probably pissed them off with our bad four wheeler convoy selves! But they don’t need to shoot poor deer anywhoo.


We rested at this place they call a “warming shack”.

In Orlando we’d call it a “crack house”.

But out there it’s a warming shack. It was this dilapidated cabin that who know how long has been there. But at the moment it was perfect.


We stood around and chatted and took photos and just drank in the scenery.


The in-law out-laws–Marsha, Dave and Candy.


We went back to the cabin and just chilled out for a couple hours. Walking around, chatting, and my favorite past time-eating : O )


Jo freshens up the kitchen.

The men folk watched the stock market plummet. They were glued to the t.v. It was kind a funny.

Later that evening my brother Ken took me out again on the four wheelers. We went deeper into the mountains. We must have stayed out for 3 hours or more.

I even saw a moose! Ok, it was dead–some hunter was skinning it, but I did see a moose. I think I saw more dead/ hunted animals out in Ut, WY, and ID then living ones.

The next day we went up to Jackson Hole, WY for some of MY kinda stuff–SHOPPING!


As we are driving up this mountain pass, we see this guy and his dog just herding this herd of cattle.

I giggled–such a different world then where I live! A couple times driving around the town my brother lives we’d have to watch out for cattle drives.

And I thought our traffic here was hard to navigate. As we drove we started to see flurries!!


I was seeing snow for the first time in 10 years!

I wanted to run out and dance! It was clean, and fluffy and white and perfect. It made me remember how much I missed my family and wanted them to see this.

On the way up every once in a while we’d get out and take pictures and play around. Dave slips and slides.

My kids have never seen real snow–just the fake stuff they have at Disney…also known as soap bubbles. Jackson was a lot different then I remembered–of course I’d been their about 20 or so years ago.

The center of town was still the same–dead deer antlers all over the place.




Same with the stores. Got to be kinda creepy–sooo many dead things. Guess I’ve gotten spoiled by all the happy, happy here at Disney.


I bumped into an old friend.

The stores were awesome. It was awesome to just walk around.


At one point I just kinda wanted to be by myself–just catch my breath, people watch, etc. So we all agreed on a time to meet and we each went our separate ways.

All the couples stayed together, and Mom went with Jeff and Candy.


Mom takes in the scenary.

I felt happy to be alone. Mom was quite huffy that I would want to walk about unescorted. What can I say, Mom’s kinda old fashioned. Makes me smile.


Jeff and Candy pointed out what I thought was a ski run–and part of it was–but another part is used in some world snow mobile race.


Folks get these really powerful Snow mobiles and race them up this HUGE mountain (a bazillion times higher then the one I saw while four wheeling). The object is to see who can go the fastest, longest distance UP this crazy mountain without sliding down the mountain run and/or NOT dying while doing it. It looked neat!

At the appointed time we met up and went for some yummy pizza! We had all kinda run into each other as we were shopping–since Jackson hole really isn’t all that big.

It had snowed quite a bit and it was gratifying to hear it crunch under my borrowed boots. A couple times I just sat and watched people pass. Lots of tourists.

The next day we geared up to begin out trip to West Yellowstone!


We got up early that morning and found there had been quite a bit of snow fall. Which I loved!!!


But then I got to thinking snow–driving in mountain passes–hills–metal vehicles–my bad karma=probably not good. This is how my family thinks: Jeff drove his Toyota mega cruiser with shields, torpedo launch, and snow tires.

We drove in the rental van driven by my brother-in-law Dave. Dave who lives in CA with my sister. Sunny, warm California.

He was chosen as the designated driver in the snow because he’d lived in Michigan (over 20+ years ago!!!!) and therefore could drive in snow. I’d probably driven in snow more recently then him! It was funny.

He did great and just to jump ahead we DID make it out alive.

But we filed into the vehicles. I pulled my seat belt around me extra tight and thought that I could use my Mom as my air bag as she’s small. I AM her favorite after all so I knew she wouldn’t mind.

The drive from Jeff’s house to the south entrance of Yellowstone was maybe 2.5 hours. We stopped as we got close to the entrance and took photos that were similar to ones my brothers had done when they were kids.


It was fun to see them as itty-bitty kids and now as adults.

The Motley crew

Group shot. Aren’t we all smashin?!?

We were really afraid that we weren’t going to be allowed into Yellowstone due to lack of snow tires or chains on our tires.

But Dave convinced the Park Ranger the van had all weather tires (doubt it would’ve made a difference even if they were all weather–ice and mountain passes don’t care about all weather tires).

So in we went.

Damn, had I forgotten how high mountains are!! Here we are driving in a blizzard (which was beautiful, btw!!) and going up and down these 2 lane roads with no guard rails most of the time.



And ice. And snow.



Lots and lots of snow!!

We did get to see lots of wild life. Deer, coyote, elk, and even a black bear!!!


Of course we saw buffalo!


I got extremely close to one.


They smell.

Real bad.

And big. They are REAL big.

People were freakin’ NUTS about the animals and getting their photos. Here we are sliding down mountains and idiots would be standing in the middle of the roads trying to photograph buffalo and such.

Couple times we almost took out a couple tourists. A couple times *I* almost got taken out. But I got some damn good shots!!

We were supposed to go to the West Entrance of Yellowstone–we had reservations at a hotel there. But somehow we turned right rather then left and found ourselves on the East entrance of Yellowstone!

So we turned around and headed UP the snowy, icy mountain we had just careened DOWN. After we get to the end of one treacherously icy road, we see a park ranger just about to close the road we were on! The snowy, icy. Just to let you know…parts of Yellowstone are an elevation of 12,000 feet.


Orlando, FL? Maybe an elevation of 3 feet. I bruise easily at that elevation.

Anyway, the ranger lets us thru with a look of either pure disgust or amazement–it was hard to tell thru my squinted with fear eyes.

Now, my family is pretty hard core Mormon. Ok, make that extremely VERY hard core Mormon–me not so much. I kept up the mantra of Oh Shit! Oh Shit! OH SHIT! Under my breath, and I think I might have heard more then one person in the van also saying the same thing.

Even Mom? We finally make it into the West Yellowstone area and find out hotel.


West Yellowstone is a really cute little area. It’s a winter town–in the season everyone rides their snowmobiles here–I kinda got this mental image of everyone dressed up in some weirdly modified snow/cowboy gear and riding into town on their snow mobiles. Weird images I had.

The hotel was ok. Nothing special. They did have a pool (indoor) and it was at the center of this little town.


I would love to see this place in full-on winter with all the snowmobiles. This place is where people come to rent their snow gear and then they go snow mobiling thru Yellowstone when it’s closed to all other traffic.

We unloaded and caught our breath after our , took a little nap, then met for dinner and…woohoo…shopping. Lot’s of little junky tourist shops that I spent too much money in. Kinda reminded me of here and Disney only everything was deer and moose themed rather then Mickey themed.

We went to this family restaurant that was fun. I can’ remember the name. But we caught it on it’s last night. They were closing down until snow mobile season–which meant they would reopen in January.

We all went back to our hotel rooms. It was like 9:30. So I was still kinda wired and wanted to kick back and watch t.v. So I’m washing off the grime of the day and about to turn to sit on my bed (I was sharing with my Mom as we were both solo for the trip) only to find her clicking the set off! I told her I wanted to watch t.v. for a bit and she snapped back that SHE was going to bed.

I was like…what and I can’t watch t.v.? She told me I needed to go to bed too! Me? Bed? at 9:30???

So luckily I had my MP3 Player and watched a few episodes of t.v. shows I’d missed with my headphones on. Kinda a buzz kill, but…

The next morning we again went thru Yellowstone. We thought that since it had snowed quite a bit that night that we wouldn’t be able to get thru…they had closed most of the roads, but the did allow traffic to Old Faithful. It was kinda scary driving–not nearly as steep as the previous day.


It was fun to see Old Faithful go off. I hadn’t been to see if since University. There has been a lot of building around that area. Lots of snow blowing and it was C.O.L.D!!!! We’d had a family reunion about 20 years ago in Yellowstone and stayed at the lodge. That was good times!




It was so other worldly here. At times I felt like I couldn’t take pictures fast enough. Everything changed so quickly with the light and snow. It was amazing!




We drove the long way around to get back to my brothers house. We went thru Idaho (gah! Never going back there–although I went to a rockin’ place called Craters of the Moon–absolutely one of the coolest places on earth).


Some picture of crappy Idaho.

Saw one of my old College and the dorm I stayed in (BYU-Rexburg) One of the most hellish times I’ve ever been thru and the main reason I had though I’d never go back to Rexburg.


This is arriving back at the house. The snow was amazing. I asked the nice pony to stand right there while I took his picture.
We finally made it back in and we all unpacked and just collapsed on couches around the house.


A cool spooky shot of the moon that night.

The next day my brother Jeff drove me back to Salt Lake City to catch my plane and return home to my family.

I just got back to Florida when we had to drive up to Mississippi to attend Barry’s brothers wedding.

I spent 2 days running around buying cute dresses for the girls, and a cute suit for Fox. I even got a really pretty black dress.

It was a mighty long drive–13+ hours with 3 kids in the car. But at least we’d installed a DVD player before we left. That was indeed a god send!! The kids loved it. I love going up to Mississippi.

It was fantastic to see Barry’s family. Fox calls Mississippi Missisnippy.

Such a different way of life.

The kids LOVED playing outdoors.



Molly has two speeds.


Run and…


I was so excited for Fox to ride a four wheeler–Barry’s family has one.


But Fox wanted NOTHING to do with it. I was thinking since he was so into cars, he’d love to ride this. Boy, was I wrong!

Now Chloe and Molly literally FOUGHT over who would ride the four wheeler next.




We had to keep an eye on Molly because if the four wheeler got too close she’d try to pull Chloe off!


We met Barry’s brother Shane on Friday at a Chinese Restaurant (sucked). He seemed ok–not like I would have thought someone getting married the next day would be…but whatever.

That night Barry and his parents went to a wedding rehearsal dinner. I stayed home and watched Tina and my kids. That all went well. And then they came home. Something was wrong. Barry helped me finish bathing the kids and I could tell he was mighty upset. But he wouldn’t talk about it.

He said he and I needed to go talk. I was thinking the wedding might be off. He said it might be…but we needed some place to talk.

We got the kids down to bed, and then his folks said they’d watch the kids while we went to talk. Yep. Something was in the air.

Our usual place for deep discussions is Taco Bell–we can sit and talk and get free refills, too–what’s wrong with that?!?

Many a book has been plotted and laid out at Taco Bell. But it’s 10:00 on a Friday night in Mississippi–which is almost like a Sunday in Salt Lake City–everything is closed. So our big discussion takes place in our car.

What happened (as I understand it…mind you even now nobody is talking about it) the bridezilla suddenly and spitefully decided she didn’t want kids to attend the wedding…only she made it sound like it was OUR kids–which she’d never met to punish the grooms side of the family.

I’ve only met this girl twice and those were very brief meetings that didn’t go over very well.

From what I understand there has been some really heavy shit between Mormons (the grooms family) and Baptists (the bridezilla’s family) and it all came to a head at the rehearsal.

Even the Preacher and his wife where both bitches to Barry, and his Mom and dad. The brides parents didn’t even have the balls to introduce themselves to Barry’s family or to Barry.

In the South religion is EVERYTHING. You have to belong to the right church–Baptist although it seems there is a difference between Baptist and 1st Baptist–whatever, pray to the right God, pay the right percentage of tithing and NOT get caught leaving the liquor stores with your treasure–it’s all weird to me.

But it turns out that any all religions in the south pretty much hate Mormons. Me? I don’t care anymore. I think I’ve totally lost any interest in organized religion. But threats were made on both sides, yelling ensued, hurt feelings were had and I missed it all.

And the brother didn’t have the balls to stand up and say this isn’t right.

I didn’t get to see anything. Only this.


Barry in his Tux and his Mom and Dad all gussied up.


I know he hurt. He wanted to have the kids there for this moment.


I think most of all he wanted to dance with his daughters. But then we found out Baptists don’t dance so…

The wedding did go thru, but Barry refused to stay around for the reception. I had to try and explain to Chloe who had been so excited about the wedding that she couldn’t go and then try to explain that she didn’t do anything wrong–that was hard.

I was pissed. Barry missed time at the office, I missed work, the kids missed school, I was out money for day-care–I was in a dark place. If we had been informed before had that kids weren’t welcome, it would have been one thing, but to have come all this way and not been able to participate was a pretty shitty thing–especially in the manner it was done. And yes, of course, there were kids on the brides side.

YOU SAY IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY… Yep, I turned another year older this week. I had a really fun one.

Initially, I had been thinking that Barry had forgotten my birthday. I had it all planned out–if he forgot my birthday I’d get the mini-laptop computer I’ve been wanting to add to my gadget collection.

However, when I got home from work, Barry had put streamers all over the kitchen, baked me a Shoo-fly pie (to die for!!!). had a dozen roses on the counter and had a present for me.

The only things I’d really wanted for my birthday were: Daniel Craig delivered nekkid and bathed to me
A mini-laptop and this:


I got this : O ) The other two can wait.

I also got Barak Obama as President for my birthday. Here’s some cool facts about our President Elect:

• He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics
• He was known as “O’Bomber” at high school for his skill at basketball
• His name means “one who is blessed” in Swahili
• His favourite meal is wife Michelle’s shrimp linguini
• He won a Grammy in 2006 for the audio version of his memoir, Dreams From My Father
• He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed
• He has read every Harry Potter book
• He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali
• He worked in a Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop as a teenager and now can’t stand ice cream
• His favourite snacks are chocolate-peanut protein bars
• He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in Indonesia
• He can speak Spanish
• While on the campaign trail he refused to watch CNN and had sports channels on instead
• His favourite drink is black forest berry iced tea
• He promised Michelle he would quit smoking before running for president – he didn’t
• He kept a pet ape called Tata while in Indonesia
• He can bench press an impressive 200lbs
• He was known as Barry until university when he asked to be addressed by his full name
• His favourite book is Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
• He visited Wokingham, Berks, in 1996 for the stag party of his half-sister’s fiancé, but left when a stripper arrived
• His desk in his Senate office once belonged to Robert Kennedy
• He and Michelle made $4.2 million (£2.7 million) last year, with much coming from sales of his books
• His favourite films are Casablanca and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
• He carries a tiny Madonna and child statue and a bracelet belonging to a soldier in Iraq for good luck
• He applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar while at Harvard but was rejected by the all-female committee.
• His favourite music includes Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach and The Fugees
• He took Michelle to see the Spike Lee film Do The Right Thing on their first date
• He enjoys playing Scrabble and poker
• He doesn’t drink coffee and rarely drinks alcohol


• He would have liked to have been an architect if he were not a politician
• As a teenager he took drugs including marijuana and cocaine
• His daughters’ ambitions are to go to Yale before becoming an actress (Malia, 10) and to sing and dance (Sasha, 7)
• He hates the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside
• He repaid his student loan only four years ago after signing his book deal
• His house in Chicago has four fire places
• Daughter Malia’s godmother is Jesse Jackson’s daughter Santita
• He says his worst habit is constantly checking his BlackBerry
• He uses an Apple Mac laptop
• He drives a Ford Escape Hybrid, having ditched his gas-guzzling Chrysler 300
• He wears $1,500 (£952) Hart Schaffner Marx suits
• He owns four identical pairs of black size 11 shoes
• He has his hair cut once a week by his Chicago barber, Zariff, who charges $21 (£13)
• His favourite fictional television programmes are Mash and The Wire
• He was given the code name “Renegade” by his Secret Service handlers
• He was nicknamed “Bear” by his late grandmother
• He plans to install a basketball court in the White House grounds
• His favourite artist is Pablo Picasso
• His speciality as a cook is chilli
• He has said many of his friends in Indonesia were “street urchins”
• He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life
• His late father was a senior economist for the Kenyan government

New terms have been coined from this election.


From Urbandictionary.com:

Definition: Post-Election-Withdrawl-Syndrome: The feeling of general depletion and emptiness in the few days after a presidential election. Caused by the sudden withdrawal of any campaign coverage, sound bites, or pictures of babies being kissed. May be accompanied by aimless clicking on news websites looking for something to read.

*NOTE: This condition has been observed in people whether their chosen candidate won or not.

Wife, to her Doctor: “I’m worried about my husband. Ever since the 4th, he’s just been sitting at home wandering the New York Times and CNN for hours on end.” Doctor: “I wouldn’t worry about it. He probably just has an acute case of PEWS. He should be back on his feet by the end of the week.”

Election erection

eâ‹…lecâ‹…tion eâ‹…recâ‹…tion Ä­-lÄ›k’shÉ™n Ä­-rÄ›k’shÉ™n


1. the general euphoria experienced when your candidate of choice wins by a landslide.

2. the sexual arousal and excitement caused by same.
“Dude, when I saw the final tally of votes on Nov. 4, I got a total election erection!”

A great post also at the same site:

The best way you have of voicing your opinion in a way that can matter. Nothing’s perfect, and there’s always going to be mistakes, but there is simply no excuse for not casting a ballot for what you believe in. Take the time to understand the issues and then take the time to vote. Don’t let people who aren’t going to be around four years from now decide your future. Complaining without voting is worse than any hanging chad.
My conscience is clear because I took the time to vote.




