Day 27 into the new year and most everything is going swimmingly. My change of diet habits are going really well (down 15lbs, so yea there), trying to write more (I’ll give a little so-so hand quiver there–still plugging away, could do better), doing more art (big YEAH there). But the housework thingie… not so good.
I tried to put some laundry away the other day and when I went to my clothing drawer there was a huge layer of dust on top of my bureau. I ran my hand over the surface and it came away a nasty grey/green color.
Turns out that I disturbed…THEM. The dust bunnies are now attacking.
Can’t say I blame them…my house DOES seems to be prime breeding territory for ’em. I don’t desturb the local colony of dust bunnies too much (I dare say hardly ever), and they seem to find things to eat since they are quite plentiful in many of the houses vast areas –they just want to live and multiply.
I think this give me an excuse now to just let them be.