I’m packing up my gear and getting ready to head to CA to attend WonderCon 2013!!  You know–the OTHER sunshine state.

I’ve got my spot in Artist Alley — AA – 157.

I’m really glad I get to attend again this year.  The whole family went last year and we had a wonderful time!  My Mom lives in Laguna Hills so I get the pleasure of staying with her AND going to a show.

This is the launch of my new series since DreamWalker (clicking on the image SHOULD take you to that books IndyPlanet page). 










I’ve puttered around on a couple different projects–Womblies

Becky’s Alien with the uber talented and friend Tony Furtado doing the eye candy

becky1 becky2








and the Dark Mischief vol. I and II Anthologies (which I ache to do again)

dark mischief01 Dark Mischief2








But Summoner is different.  A mix of supernatural, science fiction and elements of steampunk.

Jayne Sinclair is a Summoner–one with the ability to force the spirits of the recently deceased temporarily back to the mortal plain.


I’m very excited to start this new journey so….

Come join me and lets ride!