
I picked up a pretty damn good set of books. GettyImages released a series of books starting with 1900 and going up to 1990’s. They are fascinating to look thru. As an artist they provide incredible reference as a human it shows you the incredible human spririt–somestimes the photos are extremely graphic (WWI things are tragic indeed) to sublime (children with looks of utter joy over little things we take for granted). I highly recommend investing in some of these books. Each decade book gives you insight into all classes of life from all over the world. Insights into politics, entertainment, travel, science…hell, go for the gold and grab ’em all! The images are out of this world and the historical value is a treasure.

Barry and I spent most of the day cleaning out closets that were far too fully loaded with junk. Most of it has indeed been crap. We are hoping to have a garage sale next Saturday (the 16th)and get rid of a large portion of our crap. So our crap can then go with you and be YOUR crap. Happy to pass it on.

It was really fun to come across old photos, clothes (which I’d dearly love to fit into again someday, but also realize the futility of such a thought and decide I’ll just leave most things for the girls). We came across a lot of old toys that we had acquired in hopes we’d make money off them at some later date, or just cuz we thought they were cool. Most are now still on their boards for the kids to grow into and decide their fate–sell, trade or play with.

We came across an old sunglasses, headphone wearing, plastic covered Coke bottle that would dance when a loud noise was made. The kids got a BIG kick out of that. It was fun to show Chloe and Fox our High School year books, my wedding dress, and other various pictures. They couldn’t believe that Daddy had all that hair at one time, and that I wasn’t always as round as a basketball. And why does Mommy have on a tie that looks like a piano keyboard in this picture–luckily enough I could run to my closet and show the kids I still have said tie.

For me, it was fun to walk down memory lane, but the BEST part was getting to show the kids little bits of our past that made us who we are. Me–it was the piano sheet music I use to use, cool 80’s clothes that I still have, and oodles of Barbies. Barry=comics. Boxes and boxes of comics that will remain in the closet.

We also realized that old cards and letters, the ones we wrote to each other, or the little love notes we’d tuck into books or clothes for discovery at a later date, are they other ways they will get to know us and remember us when we are no longer with them. It was kinda sad, but very fun. Until my nose started having fits due to all the dust that was flying around in the room. The house is a complete and utter mess with boxes strewn everywhere and piles of clothes, toys and assorted crapola waiting for the garage sale.

Fox loves to take a running start and dive into the big garbage bags full of clothing we are going to have at the garage sale. We have a mountain of clothes in gargage bags sitting in the corner of our kitchen.


This week’s ToonWeekly was themed…Midieval. Such a wonderful topic to do and I screwed the pooch with this one. I guess I was trying to hard for political/familial struggle and ended up with…yuck. I like the girls hair–kinda wanted an art deco flow to it, but that’s about it. Too sacharine. Next week’s will kick butt–creatures that shouldda been in the Cantina scene in Star Wars. I already saw one friends and it is totally breathtaking.

Happy thoughts.