At the start of each New Year, I like to make… changes. I hate the term New Year’s resolution. Some of my “changes” I’m making are:
1. Take better care of myself. Which means more excersise and watching my blood sugar. Ever since I had gestational diabetes with Fox, read the literature, got scared silly and realized I ain’t getting younger, taking better care of myself for my family means more.
2. Be better about cleaning the house. I absolutely despise housework. I love a spottlessly clean house mind you, but the drudgery, boredom, and work involved in keeping a house clean is daunting and just plane boring to do. Just where is my magic broomstick that will sweep the kitchen floors for me? The manual one I got is hard too handle.
3. Work more. Comic book work–the good stuff. Writting. Story telling. Drawing panel to panel stuff. Getting my hands dirty on the paper again. I’ve missed it and neglected it. My damn artistic Moose has granted me with a couple ideas of late, and I want to get busy with it.
So, I’m going to work each week for at least 3 hours on SOMETHING comic related. If I can do more, then saints be praised and that will get me that much more ahead. My artistic moose is tired of being neglected and has been prodding me in my ever so ample tuchis to work.
4. Color my hair BACK to blond. DING! DING! DING! Done it. We are officially back in blond. I missed it. I went MUCH lighter then I have ever been, but I think blond lightens my considerably dark mood. I liked being dark, and I love being red, but blond is good.
5. Be better about doing laundry. Now, one might argue that laundry could fall under the catagory of housework.
But oohhhh no, my friend. The undertaking of laundry falls somewhere between a herculean task and endless torment in one of the inner rings of an obscure level of hell.
No matter HOW many loads I do a day, with 4 people in the family, the torture never ever ends.
Fox, being the new and very messy eater that he is, goes thru more bibs then I can ever keep up with each day, and it doesn’t help that Chloe goes thru a few outfit changes a day her ownself depending on potty training progess (i.e. hull breaches), and how she feels from moment to moment.
Laundry is in and of itself a much more arduous and thankless task than any mad bout of housecleaning. A long day spent cleaning even the most grungiest of bathrooms does NOT equate with doing even a single load of laundry. This includes folding.
And then there’s putting AWAY the laundry. Blah. Try finding time to do THAT whenone of the kids is demanding your attention, you want to work, or one of them is asleep in the room you need to go in to put the folded or hung clothes away. Madness.
In short, there are very few things I hate more then laundry.
6. Find the damn creature that lives in the dryer and steals all the socks around this place.