Jenni Gregory is the comic book creator of DreamWalker, Summoner, Abby’s Menagerie, Rocs’ Keep, Becky’s Alien & others. She draws and paints comic books, fantasy, caricatures, birds, flowers and especially fun spooky things. She is an AVID photographer and space nut.
She grew up in Springfield, VA, moved to Laguna Hills, CA, went to BYU, Ricks College, Saddleback Community College, and University of Southern Mississippi .
She worked for over 10 years at Disney as a caricature artist while illustrating comic. She lives in Davenport, FL with her comic creating/book writing husband Barry Gregory, their three kids and a very big bad dog.
She constantly daydreams and firmly believes in all things magical and whimsical.
Believing is seeing.
Create frequently and often.