So over the last couple of weeks at we’ve been plagued by tons, upon tons of spam.

We contacted our server ( — here after known as evil buttheads) to get help– all to no avail. Emails went unanswered, phone calls were never answered.

Then while we are getting hit with hundreds of bounced back messages, our server cuts off all access to our email due to “breach of service agreement”.

A pox upon them.

A google search by Barry found page upon page of nothing but complaints regarding Superuser.

It’s been a pain in the butt. So for over a week, neither of us have received any email. And right when lots of exciting things are happening at the site.

I’m trying to figure out who I intensely hate more…Superuser, or the other evil buttheads that phished our email addresses and started this mess.

Yeah, they both suck.

Hopefully Barry and Thomas will have the whole entire 01comics site moved to a new server by Monday.


In the meantime, I’ve done more doodles that I have to post. Gotta get out of my bad mood.